What If… Nebula joined the Nova Corp?

I directed this episode, which pulls no punches. It’s a loving homage to CyberPunk and Noir in general and to Blade Runner in particular. “Where do personal ethics come from?” is the central questions of this episode, and is it enough for someone to blindly follow a code—even a good one?
I storyboarded this episode as much as time would allow, so I could set a vibe. My way into it was the classic noir cold open.
The inspiration for this episode owes equally to Blade Runner & Mad Max as it does to 70’s cop movies like Serpico & The French Connection!
One of my favorite visual idea in the episode is Nebula projecting a memory of Yondu calling his arrow, and capturing the arrow as it passes through the hologram.
I drew these thumbnails for the scene where Nebula and Yon Rog break into the submerged data core room, then I passed the baton to the storyboard team.