Futuropolis is an original animated feature. It is a great young adult adventure that combines sci-fi and superhero elements, with a very emotional story at its core.

A significant amount of work has been produced on this, and as it is currently in turnaround, I've attached only two little clips from the story reels that don't give away too much. I have written, directed and edited this, and the clips feature the wonderful storyboard stylings of Lawrence Gang and Oliver Thomas.


The movie begins with a 12-minute action sequence that introduces all the lead characters. Here's a little segment from the very beginning of the sequence.


Another clip from one of the movie's set pieces 40 minutes in.


Here are the unedited boards I created myself for one of this sci-fi story’s many suspenseful moments (Click on the image to go to the slideshow)

One of the many roomfuls of art created for this movie! This beatboard courtesy of the superhuman Oliver Thomas.